Who are we?
Mentor Her is a worldwide platform, connecting female Mentors and Mentees around the world to excel careers, launch and grow businesses, help mothers find their balance and help all women feel better about who they are and where they're going.
Read our story below, and let us know if you need us to help you in any way. We are always open to hear about new ideas, collaborations and partnerships- if we can help you or your business we will give it our best try!
How we started and where we are
We were founded during the pandemic
When we launched the Mentor Her six-week program
When we transitioned from an Irish only company to a global program
Continuing our journey with new updates and features into 2024
Our Partners

Our 2022 partners: Intertrade Ireland
InterTradeIreland helps SMEs across Ireland by offering practical cross-border business funding, intelligence and contacts.

Our 2023 partners: Dublin City LEO
Promoting entrepreneurship, fostering sustainable start-ups and developing existing micro and small businesses to drive job creation.
Our 2024 partners
Join us in becoming one of many partners committed to supporting women through connection in 2024.
Únase al programa de orientación profesional y empresarial para mujeres mejor valorado.

Las mujeres que participaron han participado hasta ahora.
Nuevo negocio lanzado hasta ahora.
Mujeres que consiguieron un nuevo trabajo a través de nuestro programa.
Se han realizado Horas de Mentoría.
Watch Katie
explain our
Watch our video from 2021 when our founder Katie explained the mission behind Mentor Her...

únete a nuestra lista de espera
¿Eres un estudiante que sueña con ser el próximo periodista del New York Times, abogado contundente, director de cine, líder de marketing en LinkedIn o dueño de un negocio? Tenemos cientos de mujeres que se unen a nuestro programa y quieren ayudar a las mujeres a pasar al siguiente nivel.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo unirse a nuestro programa de forma gratuita con una lista de espera para estudiantes aprendices que no pueden pagar nuestro programa pero que aún desean unirse a nosotros y obtener un mentor.