Louise worked in market research for over twenty years in project management but like many women, she has worn and continues to wear many hats. Louise is a mother to four grown children and it was important to her that she brought her children up herself. She stopped working then but established a toddler group and chaired the local community playgroup to keep up her professional interests. She studied in a distant learning programme in DCU as a mature student to get a degree when her youngest started school and then returned to market research. Louise is now the Membership Officer for the APAI (Association Administration Professionals of Ireland) and a trained leadership facilitator for LIFT Ireland. She runs a LinkedIn group called Behavioural Science Club with over 3,500 members created in June 2020 and they meet in Zoom every Saturday for author Q&As and to chat with leading global voices in behavioural science. Louise believes we all wear many hats and should follow what is important to us - we've only one life!
Louise Ward
Leadership Facilitator