Aoife Gaffney
Founder of Prudence Money Penny
Aoife Gaffney is the CEO and founder of Prudence Money Penny Coaching.
Aoife holds an honours Masters degree from Trinity College in Technology Enhanced Learning, an undergraduate degree in Science from The Open University, Qualified Financial Adviser diploma from Institute of Banking and NLP diploma and a pile of other certs and qualifications just for fun.
About Her
Aoife Gaffney is the Founder of Prudence Moneypenny Coaching. A coaching business designed to help women feel more empowered and financially free. She is a life, business and money coach. Aoife Gaffney, was the first Certified Money Coach in Ireland. She is also a Qualified Financial Adviser, Member of the Institute of Banking and Professional Speaking Association. She is a 3 time international best-selling author. She writes about her 2 favourite subjects, herself and money. She has over 20 years’ experience in the financial sector as an educator and a former adviser. She has 2 addictions, really good coffee and even better broadband. When she is not drinking coffee and writing books, she can be found coaching women all over the world at workshops, seminars, webinars and one to one. Her superpower is making life easier.
The Magic of Money – 1 hour workshop
When it comes to money, which energy archetype are you currently channelling - victim, martyr, fool, tyrant, warrior, magician, innocent or creator artist? Your relationship with money - your thoughts and habits - and the best way for you to make money depends on your current dynamic relationship with money - everyone is different. The money archetypes are dynamic, not static and we can learn to move in and out of these various energies.
The most exciting thing about this framework is that once you discover your current Archetype and learn how you naturally attract and repel money, your unique path to wealth becomes so obvious!
The way you manage your money needs to be aligned with your unique money personality. Managing money is more than more in less out - truly understanding how money needs to flow to and through you will help you identify where you may feel stuck, feel blocked or where you have potential leaks. Understanding your own money type is an integral part of managing your own money mindset and truly understanding the magic of money
What to do when Life Knocks you Sideways – 1 hour workshop
Things happen, it's called life. Are you prepared if something falls apart?
Getting yourself and your money stuff organised in advance will prevent unnecessary costs, mental anguish and wasted time. In this workshop, you will learn how to organise your money, your essential paperwork and put a clear plan in place to protect you and your loved ones if life knocks you sideways. This workshop is not about having expensive insurance policies in place, this workshop covers very simple and effective strategies for getting organised and having a strong support mechanism in place.
Demystifying Investments – 1 hour workshop
This workshop provides a broad overview of how to start managing your own investment portfolio and start your journey to financial independence. You will also learn how to calculate your own financial independence and what that looks like for you. This workshop will help demystify the world of self-managed investment platforms, show you how to get started with relatively low amounts of money and how to put a clear plan in place.
Other services
Aside from workshops, you can find more about Aoife's 1:1 services, courses and book on her website.