Sara began her own business at the age of 26, when her father died. She realized life was too short to spend hers working in an office for low pay, making someone else rich. She reprioritized and immediately chose to "work to live" rather than "live to work," and she has created her own journey ever since. She loves to help women, especially, claim their own lives and live with joy and freedom. This does not mean giving up responsibility. Rather, it means learning what you need to do to be responsible for yourself, and then making choices that serve your own goals before anyone else's. Sara has been an independent fitness trainer, she built a very successful online fitness business that sold memberships worldwide. But she learned that she doesn't enjoy managing an online business and started over, teaching yoga and functional movement courses in person before Covid-19. With her first career in Editing, Sara used this experience to begin teaching academic writing when she decided she wanted to travel full time, and realized she could teach online from anywhere. Sara believes she got to where she is today because she put herself and her goals first, and she loves helping other women do the same. Problem solving is Sara's absolute favorite thing in the world. And it makes her happy to help newly self-employed women learn how to work with, build, and optimize their own websites. She has been on page 1 of Google for her selected keywords for years, all from non-paid, organic SEO that she wrote herself. Once you know how to empower yourself with information, you can solve any problem that comes your way. She wants to help women do that for themselves.
Sara Hauber
Empowerment Coach